ICF Contractor

Hollyhock - Your Reliable Source for Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF)

Hollyhock Construction serves as the premier ICF contractor in Winnipeg. Specializing in ICF foundations, we guarantee high-calibre outcomes through our skilled team’s commitment and proficiency.

What is ICF?

Insulated concrete forms, or ICF, are foam block structures that are an alternative to traditional wood formwork in concrete construction. They consist of expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam panels connected to create a mould for pouring concrete. After the concrete has hardened, the panels remain in place to provide the structure’s insulation.

Insulated concrete forms (ICFs) have become popular as a modern and sustainable home construction method. Initially adopted for their exceptional insulating properties in foundation walls, builders are now embracing ICFs for above-ground walls in single-story, two-story, and even three-story houses. 

The increasing interest in ICF construction is attributed to its remarkable durability, outstanding energy efficiency, and ability to offer a wide range of design possibilities, making it a versatile choice for contemporary construction projects.

Discover the Many Advantages of ICF Construction

ICF foundations bring many advantages, making it a preferred choice for homeowners, construction companies and general contractors. These include:

  • Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs) create an optimal environment for concrete walls, resulting in a foundation with significantly higher compressive strength than traditional concrete.
  • ICF foundations offer excellent disaster resistance, with steel-reinforced ICF blocks able to withstand extreme winds and projectile debris.
  • ICF foundations feature continuous insulation to reduce thermal bridges.
  • ICF foundations provide high insulation values.
  • ICF walls are fire-resistant and can be made termite-resistant with suitable treatments.
  • Concrete can be poured into ICFs at temperatures as low as 5°F.

Opt for Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) for eco-friendly, long-lasting buildings

Quicker Construction

ICF speeds up building with simple installation, saving time and cost for faster project completion. Enjoy energy efficiency and swift occupancy.

Efficient Energy Use

ICF structures excel in insulation, reducing heating and cooling expenses for sustainable living. Consistent indoor temperatures cut energy use, boosting comfort.

Affordable Solution

ICF cuts costs in the long run by saving energy, lowering maintenance, and enhancing durability. It also saves on utility bills and upkeep, ensuring a wise investment.

Robust Construction

ICF foundations are tough, standing strong against disasters and structural pressures for enduring safety. The reinforced concrete core ensures structural stability.

Noise Reduction

ICF walls provide excellent soundproofing, minimizing noise for peaceful indoor spaces. The dense foam absorbs sound, delivering a serene environment free from disturbances.